INTRODUCING RAKUDA PF390, PF390 BEARING CAGE is a very good material. It is a semi crystalline thermoplastic with excellent mechanical and chemical resistance properties that are retained to high temperatures. It is also very strong and adimensionally stable.


  • PF390 BEARING CAGE can operate continuously at temperatures of up to 240°C (464°F) and has a melting point of over 335°C (635°F)

  • PF390 BEARING CAGE has a tensile strength of 90 to 100 MPa and a flexural strength of 25,000 psi and flexural modulus, making it a good choice for application where parts need to be strong and durable

  • PF390 BEARING CAGE resistant to many chemical, including acids, bases, and organic, solvents, which makes it suitable for harsh chemical environments.

  • PF390 BEARING CAGE has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion, which means that it maintains its shape well over a wide range of temperatures.

  • PF390 BEARING CAGE has a low coefficient of friction and is resistant to wear and abrasion even in harsh environments.

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When comparing product bearings for high-temperature applications, it is essential to consider the material composition, load capacity, thermal expansion, lubrication, and corrosion resistance to ensure the bearing can operate effectively in extreme conditions.